ThiDs is the last cowboy song
The end of a hundred year waGltz
The voAices sound sad as they're singing along
Another piece of America is lDost
Verse 1:(Waylon Jennings)
He rDides the feed lots,works in a market
On weekend selling tobacco and Abeer
He dreams of tommorrow surrounded by fences
But he'll dream tonight of when fences weren't hDere
Verse 2:(Kris Kristofferson)
He Dblazed the trail with Lewis and Clark
And eyeball to eyeball old Wyatt backed dAown
He stood shoulder to shoulder with Travis in Texas
And rode with the Seventh when Custer went dDown
Verse 3:(Willie Nelson)
RemDington showed us how he looked on canvas
And Louis L`amour told us his tAale
Me and Johnny and Waylon and Kris sing about him
And wish to God we could have ridden his trDail
Verse 4:(spoken-Johnny Cash) and the three others sing the chorus.
TheD old chisom trail is covered in concrete
They truck it to market in fifty foot rGigs
TheAy roll by his graveside and don't even notice
Like living and dieing was all he ever Ddid