Katie Melua - My Aphrodisiac Is You Katie Melua - My Aphrodisiac Is You | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
DSome people D7say that Goyster's make you come on stGmrong,
But I don't Dbuy it; I don't believe my A7diet turns me oDn.G D A7
D Won't take no D7pills, that's the Glast thing that I need to dGmo,
I can't Ddeny it, My A7aphrodisiac is youD. G D D7
G Alright, I could sGmniff some powdered rhino horn, D
And go to F#bed in rubber Bmgloves.
But I don't Gneed no stimulation, Potions, Gmbalms or embarkation,
D G D Aaug
I'm in love, in other words:
D Don't smoke no D7grass or Gopium from old Hong KongGm,
That hubble Dbubble just makes me see you A7double, All night longD. G D A7
D Don't waste my tD7ime with GSpanish fly and roots to chew,Gm
They cause me Dtrouble, Because my A7aphrodisiac is you.D G D D7
D Some people D7like to Gread the Khama Sutra firstGm,
But I don't Dneed it, I think if I should A7read it I'd be worse! D G D A7
D Don't ask me D7why, 'Cause Gbaby, I ain't got a clueGm.
DI just concede it, my A7aphrodisiac is you. D7 G7 Gm D
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