Donovan - Universal Soldier Donovan - Universal Soldier | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
He's Efive foot F#two and he's Bsix feet G#mfour
He Efights with F#missiles and with Bspears
He's Eall of thirty-F#one and he's Bonly sevenG#mteen
He's been a C#msoldier for a thousand F#years
He's a Ecatholic, a F#hindu, an Batheist, a G#mjain,
A Ebuddhist and a F#baptist and a Bjew
And he Eknows he shouldn't F#kill
And he Bknows he always G#mwill
Kill you for C#mme, my friend and me for F#you
And he's Efighting for F#Canada, he's Bfighting for G#mFrance
He's Efighting for the F#U.S.BA.B7
He's Efighting for the F#Russians and he's Bfighting for G#mJapan
And he C#mthinks we'll put an end to war this F#way
And he's Efighting for deF#mocracy, he's Bfighting for the G#mreds
He Esays it's for the F#peace of BallB7
He's the Eone who must deF#cide who's to Blive and who's to G#mdie
And he C#mnever sees the writing on the F#wall
But withEout him how would F#Hitler have conBdemned him at DaG#mchau
WithEout him Caesar F#would have stood alBoneB7
He's the Eone who gives his F#body as a Bweapon of the G#mwar
And withC#mout him all this killing can't go F#on
He's the Euniversal F#soldier and he Breally is to G#mblame
His Eorders come from F#far away no Bmore
They come from Ehere and there and C#myou and me
And Bbrothers can't you G#msee
This is C#mnot the way we put the end to war
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