Alphaville - Summer in Berlin Alphaville - Summer in Berlin | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EmiThis day's an Hmiinvitation, Dand it's just for Ayou
EmiYou've got a Hmireservation, Dfor the 17th of AJune
HOpen your F#eyes and let the Hsun break in for a F#while
HThere may be F#something that you've Hnever seen inF#side
EmiFeel how your Hmiheart beats, Dlike a heavy mAachine
EmiThe sound of the Hmitraffic is like Da silent dAream
HThe dust in the F#park, the exhaust from the cHars F#
HAscends in that F#heated afterHnoon (You touch a sF#weaty body)
®:EmiSummer in HmiBerlin, Dit's alrAight
TEmihe day feels so Hmitired from the lead in the Dair and the fire in the
EmiLife seemed to Hmibe a fault of Dgrace - but it's oAk
It gave you a Emikiss in the Hmimiddle of the DcrossAroads - Summer in
{c:Chorus 1 (ohne 'Summer in Berlin'), Verse 2, Chorus 1}
®:Summer in EmiBerlin, it's alHmiright (it's alDright) (it's alAright)
EmiThe heat of the Hmisun which is stored in the Dpavement feels so
EmiHere stands the Hmiinnocent aDnd there it comes oh so Awild
EmiThat's when you're Hmilonging for a sDummer by the Awall - Summer in
Summer in EmiBerlin, it's alrHmiight D, A - Summer in
EmiBerlin, it's oHmik D, A
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