Chris Burgh - Don't Pay The Ferryman Chris Burgh - Don't Pay The Ferryman | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Emi C Emi C Emi D Emi D
It was Emilate at night on the Gopen road. Speeding like a man on the
A Clifetime G/Bspent preAmiparing Gfor the jourDney.
He was Emicloser now and the Gsearch was on, reading from a map in the
yes, Cthere's the G/Bragged hill, Amiand there's a Gboat on the
And when the Emirain came down, D he heard a Emiwild dog howl, D
There were voiCces in the nightG/B (don't do it), Cvoices out of
siG/Bght (don't do it).
CToo many men have failed beforeB7 whatever you do.
®:EmiDon't Dpay the ferEmiryman, don't even fiCx a prDice.
EmiDon't Dpay the ferEmiryman until he Cgets you to the Dother
side.Emi D Emi D Emi
In the Emiroaming mist then he Ggets on board, now there'll be no turning
Beware that G/Bhooded Amiold man at the Gruder. D
And then the Emilightning flashed and the Gthunder roared and people
calling out his Cname,
and dancing G/Bbows that Amijabbered and amoaned on the Dwater.
And then the Emiferryman said, D there is Emitrouble ahead, D
so Cyou must pay me nowG/B (don't do it), you must pay me nowG/B (don't
do it),
Cand still that voice came through the airB7, whatever you do.
2x R:
EmiDon't Dpay ----------- the DferryEmiman.
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