

Kosheen - Hungry Kosheen - Hungry | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EmiYou're like a Gchild with old eyes,Emi
cynical and sensible, Galways full of surprisesEmi
you travelG far and wideEmi
looking for the feelingG, lost inside youEmi
They don't uGnderstand you, noEmi
Guntil it's too lateEmi
with everything they've Ghanded youEmi
on a Gsilver plate
AAre youC hungry Gfor a little more
Gthan what you've had before?A
Are you Chungry Gfor a taste of life?
Gwet your appetite, Aare you hungrC, Gy?
EmiNow give me thisG mountainsideEmi
cool waters Gto lie besideEmi
give me these Gtwo strong eyesEmi
to see the differenceG between truth and liesEmi
Ah, give me this GfeelingEmi when you kiss me babyG
every day and every nightEmi
That's all I Gneed, yesEmi
Everything is.. Ggonna be all right
EmiYou're like a Gsight for sore eyes, Emilyrical and gentleG
borderlining sentimentalEmi
You're like a Gdream realisedEmi
so why do I keep falling back to Gsleep,
I'm so serious and deep.
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