Celine Dion - A New Day Has Come Celine Dion - A New Day Has Come | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Intro: A E B
A nC#miew dAay Eaah Baah
A nC#miew dAay Eaah Baah
C#miI was wAaiting for sEo lBong
C#miFor a mAiracle to cEome B
C#miEveryAone told me tEo be strBong
AAnd nEone nC#mione shared a Btear
C#miThrough the dAarkness and gEood tBimes
C#miI knew AI'd make it thrEoughB
C#miAnd the wAorld thought I hEad it Ball
BAut I wEas wC#miaiting for yBou
BC#miush, nAow
EI see a lBight in the skC#miy
AOh, it's Ealmost blBinding me
C#miI can't belAieve
I've been tEouched by an Bangel with lF#ove
Let the rAain come down Eand wash awBay my tC#miears
Let it fAill my soul Eand drown my fBears
Let it shAadder the wEalls for a nBew sC#miun
A nAew dEay Bhas C#micome A, E, B, C#mi, A, E, B, C#mi
When it was dAark now there is lEightB
C#miWhen there was pAain now there is jEoooBy
C#miIf there was wAeakness I fEound my strBength
AAll Ein the C#mieyes of a bBoy
C#miBush, Anow
EI see a Blight in the sC#miky
AOh, it's Ealmost blBinding me
C#miI can't belAieve
I've been tEouched by an Bangel with lF#ove
Let the rAain come down Eand wash awBay my tC#miears
Let it fAill my soul Eand drown my fBears
Let it shAadder the wEalls for a nBew C#misun
A nAew dEay hG#as
Let the rAain come down Eand wash awBay my tC#miears
Let it fAill my soul Eand drown my fBears
Let it shAadder the wEalls for a BnewC#mi sun
A nAew dEay Bhas
C#miOoooAoh Eoh oh oh oh Boh oh C#miahhhh
a-aAahhE, B
C#miBush, Anow
EI see a lBight in your C#mieyes A
EAll in the Beyes of a bC#mi, Aoy
EI can't belBieve
I've been tC#miouched by an Aangel wEith loveB
C#miI can't belAieve
I've been tEouched by an Bangel with lC#mio-o-o-Aove Eahahah Bah
BusC#mih, nAow Eaah Baah
A nC#miew dAay Eaah Baah
BusC#mih, nAow Eaah Baah
A nC#miew dAay Eaah Baah
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