(Capo 3)
Ami, G, Ami
AmiI have one foot in the Ggraveyard D and the other on Athe bus,
Amiand the passengers do tGrample D each other in the Arush.
BmiAnd the chicken hearted Dlawman C is throwing up his Emifill,
Gto see the kindly Ddoctor A to pass the superEpill.
FWell, I'm going down, G three cheers for Doctor DBogenCbroom.D, C
FWell, I'm on my way, G three cheers for Doctor DBogenCbroom.D, C
Ami, G, Ami, Emi, Ami
AmiWell, I tried my best to Glove you all, D all you hypocriteAs and whores,
Amiwith your eyes on each Gother D and the locks upon your Adoors.
BmiWell you drowned me in the Dfountain C of life and I hated Emiyou
Gfor living while I was Ddying, A we were all just passing Ethrough.
FWell, I'm going down, G three cheers for Doctor DBogenCbroom.D, C
FWell, I'm on my way, G three cheers for Doctor DBogenCbroomD, C, Emi.