I hAmear you breathe so fCsus9ar from me
I fAmeel your touch so clCsus9ose and real
And I kDnow my chEm7urch is not of sCsus9ilver and gGold,
DIt's glory Em7lies beyond jCsus9udgement of Gsouls
DThe commEm7andments are of consoCsus9lation Goh D-Dsus-D -CHORUS
Csus9You know our sAsus4acred dream woEm7n't fail
Csus9The sanctuary Asus4tender and so Em7frail
Csus9The sacrament Asus4of love
Em7The sacramD-Dsus4-Dent of warmth is true
Csus9The sacAsus4rament iG-Em7s you
I Amhear you weep so fCsus9ar from me
I tAmaste your tears like you're nCsus9ext to me
And I kDnow that our pEm7rayers are not eCsus9nough to gGive
DOh the aEm7ncient runes so dCsus9eep and so dGear
DThe reEm7velation is our pCsus9atron feaGr D-Dsus-D