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Judas Priest: Erik Grönwall roztáčí kolo štěstí a nahrává skladbu v duchu JUDAS PRIEST - Jak málo stačí k tomu, aby talentovaný hudebník složil píseň ve stylu svých vzor... - spark |
!!!: 60 albumov roka 2024 podľa redakcie Hudba.sk - S pribúdajúcimi redaktormi, ktorí sa do nášho tradičného výberu zapájajú, je č... - zoznam.sk |
Judas Priest: JUDAS PRIEST oznámili turné s názvem „Shield of Pain“ - Metal gods se příští rok vydají na turné nazvané Shield of Pain.
... - spark |
Judas Priest: Judas Priest ohlásili evropské turné a reedici - Britští metaloví veteráni Judas Priest oznámili termíny svého evropského turné v... - rockandpop.cz |
Basinfirefest: Lovci autogramů se chystají na lov K.K. Downinga - Z předchozích oznámení víme, že legendární kytarista Judas Priest se zúčastní ... - musicserver.cz |
Cher: Rob Halford má rád Lady Gaga, Madonnu, Cher i Taylor Swift - Rob Halford, zpěvák britské metalové kapely Judas Priest, je velkým fanouškem popu.... - rockandpop.cz |
Rob Halford: Rob Halford doufá v další album JUDAS PRIEST - Rob Halford by rád nahrál nástupce úspěšného Invincible Shield
... - spark |
Judas Priest: SAXON se po roce vrátí do Prahy, tentokrát oslavit své druhé album „Wheels of Steel“ - Letos v březnu SAXON vystoupili spolu s JUDAS PRIEST a URIAH HEEP v O2 areně. Jejich p... - spark |
Judas Priest: Debut JUDAS PRIEST „Rocka Rolla“ dostává druhou šanci - Debutové album JUDAS PRIEST „Rocka Rolla“ slaví padesátku, vyšlo 6. září 1974.... - spark |
Judas Priest: JUDAS PRIEST live klipy nešetří, další je z Athén - Heavymetalové legendy servírují fanouškům jednu ukázku z turné za druhou. Další ... - spark |
Judas Priest - Exciter Judas Priest - Exciter | | Racing' cross the heavens
Straight into the dawn
Looking like a comet
Slicing through the morn
Scorching the horizon
Blazing to the land
Now he's here amongst us
The age of fire's at hand
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for ExciterSalvation bids to ask
Everything he touches
Fries into a crisp,
Let him get close to you
So you're in his trip,
First you'll smoke and smoulder
Blister up and singe
When ignition hits you
the very soul of your being will cringe.
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Here he comes now
Fall to your knees and repent if you please
Who is this man?
Where is he from?
Exciter comes
For everyone
You'll never see him
But you will taste the fire upon your tongue
He's come to make you snap out
Of the state that you are in
Looks around and make you
See the light again
So much self-indulgence
Results in shattered eyes
Predominant complacency
Leads to beguiling lies.
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation bids to ask
When he leaps amidst us
With combustive dance
All shall bear the branding
Of his thermal lance,
Cauterising masses
Melting into one
Only when there's order
Will his job be done.
Stand by for Exciter
Salvation is his task
Stand by for Exciter
Here he comes now
Fall to your knees and repent if you please
Who is this man?
Where is he from?
Exciter comes
For everyone
You'll never see him
But you will taste the fire upon your tongue
Racing past the heavens
Straight into the dawn
Looking like a comet
Slicing through the morn
Scorching the horizon
Blazing to the land
Now he's here amongst us
The age of fire's at hand
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
Stand by for Exciter
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