The Kelly Family - Santa Maria The Kelly Family - Santa Maria | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Kelly Family *** Autor hudby: Kelly Family |
GTo the sky, to the Dmountain,
To the Criver, to the Gvalley,
To my hometown, to my Dcountry,
To the Cplace where I was Gborn.
GTo my mother, to my Dfather,
To my Csisters and my Gbrothers
To my friends and Dmyself
And to Cthose I love so Gwell.
GSanta AmiMaria
DPrega per G noi! (2x)
G To the world and the Dpeople
In their Ccrisis in their Gpains,
For the children of Dtomorrow,
For the Cwars that never Gend.
GSanta AmiMaria
DPrega per Gnoi! (2x)
GTo the sky, to the Dmountain,
To the Criver, to the Gvalley,
To my hometown, to my Dcountry,
To the Cplace where I was Gborn.
GTo the heroes that we Dneed today,
To the Clonely with noone Gto cry,
GTo the mothers this Dsource of life,
To this Cworld in so much Gpain.
GSanta AmiMaria
DPrega per Gnoi! (2x)
GSanta AmiMaria
DPrega per Gnoi!
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