Tom Petty - Into The Great Wide Open Tom Petty - Into The Great Wide Open | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EmiEddie Em+7waited till he fEmi7inished high sEm6chool
EmiHe went to Em+7Hollywood, gEmi7ot a tattEm6oo
AmiHe met a Ami/Ggirl out there withAmi a tattoo Ami/Gtoo
The Gfuture was Fwide C, G, C, G, Copen.
EmiThey moved Em+7into a place they bEmi7oth could aEm6fford
EmiHe found a Em+7nightclub he could wEmi7ork at the dEm6oor
AmiShe had a Ami/Gguitar and she tAmiaught him some cAmi/Ghords
The Gsky Fwas the C, G, C, G, Dlimit.
GInto the Cgreat wide Dopen, uGnder them sEmikies of bD, Amilue
GOut in the Cgreat wide Dopen, a rGebel withFout a Emi, Aclue.
EmiThe papers Em+7said Ed always pEmi7layed from the Em6heart
EmiHe got an Em+7agent and a Emi7roadie named Em6Bart
AmiThey made a Ami/Grecord and it wAmient in the cAmi/Gharts
The sGky wFas the lC, G, C, G, Dimit.
EmiHis leather jEm+7acket had cEmi7hains that would jEm6ingle
EmiThey both met Em+7movie stars, pEmi7artied and mEm6ingled.
AmiTheir A&R Ami/Gman said "I don't hAmiear a sAmi/Gingle."
The fGuture was wFide oC, G, C, G, Dpen.
GInto the Cgreat wide Dopen, uGnder them sEmikies of bD, Amilue
GOut in the Cgreat wide Dopen, a rGebel withFout a Emi, Aclue.
GInto the Cgreat wide Dopen, uGnder them sEmikies of bD, Amilue
GOut in the Cgreat wide Dopen, a rGebel withFout a Emi, Aclue.
final flourish: G C G G C G.
Em+7 021000 Em7 022010
Em6 022020 Am/G 022010
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