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Bruce Springsteen - What Love Can Do Bruce Springsteen - What Love Can Do | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
Em D G C
There's a pillar in the temple where I carved your name;
Em D Em
there's a soul sitting sad and blue
Em D G C
Now the remedies you've taken are all in vain;
Am G C
let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Em D Em G
Darling I can't stop the rain,
Em D G
or turn your black sky blue
Am G C
Well, let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Em D G C
Well, now our truth lay shattered, we stood at world's end;
Em D Em
as the dead sun rose in view
Em D G C
Well, if any of this matters, a kiss my friend;
Am G C
let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/277647.html
Em D Em G
Darling we can't stop this train,
Em D G
when it comes crashing through
Am G C
But let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Em D Em G
On the bench you lie on all it s nails and rust,
Em D Em G
and the love you've given's turned ashes and dust
Em D Em G
When the hope you've gathered drifted to the wind;
Em D Em
it's you and I now, friend, (you and I now, friend)
D Em
you and I now, friend
Em D G C Em D Em Em D G C Am G C
Em D G C
Here our memory lay corrupted our city lay dry;
Em D Em
let me make this vow to you
Em D G C
Here where it's blood for blood, and an eye for an eye;
Am G C
let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Em D Em G
Here we bear the mark of Cain,
Em D G
but let the light shine through
Am G C
let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Am G C
let me show you what love can do,
Am G C
let me show you what love can do
Em D G C Em D Em
* Alternate:
Capo II
Em = Dm
D = C
Am = Gm
G = F
C = Bb
| |