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Bruce Springsteen - Waitin On A Sunny Day Bruce Springsteen - Waitin On A Sunny Day | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
Waitin' On A Sunny Day - Bruce Springsteen (From The Rising)
At last! a new album from the Boss, and some cracking tunes on it, such as this one.....
yeah I know its only the chords cos I can't do the rest - if anyone else knows it please tell me!!
Lyrics are taken straight out of the book, so if they're wrong then Bruce sang the wrong words.
Intro is C Am F C G
C Am
It's rainin' but there ain't a cloud in the sky,
Must of been tear from your eye,
Everything will be okay,
C Am
Funny, I thought I felt a sweet summer breeze,
Must've been you sighing so deep,
Don't worry we're gonna find a way,
C Am
I'm waitin', waitin' on a sunny day,
Gonna chase the clouds away, Waitin on a sunny day,
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/44246.html
C Am
Without you, I'm workin with the rain fallin' down,
I'm half a party in a one dog town,
I need you to chase these blues away,
C Am
Without you, I'm a drummer girl that can't keep a beat,
An ice cream truck on a deserted street,
I hope that you're coming to stay,
C Am
I'm waitin', waitin' on a sunny day,
Gonna chase the clouds away, Waitin on a sunny day,
Solo is over: D Bm G D A, E, G then D (i think??)
C Am
Hard times, well baby they come to us all,
Sure as the tickin' of the clock on the wall,
Sure as the turnin' of the night into the day,
C Am
Your smile girl, brings the mornin' light to my eyes
Lifts away the blues when I rise,
I hope that you're coming to stay,
C Am
I'm waitin', waitin' on a sunny day,
Gonna chase the clouds away, Waitin on a sunny day,
End is A F#m D B twice, and then end with an E chord.
C (x32010)
Am (x02210)
F (133211)
G (320033)
D (xx0232)
Dm (xx0231)
A (x02220)
E (022100)
F#m (244222)
B (x24442)
hope this is useful, Rob
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