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Bruce Springsteen - She Is The One Chords Bruce Springsteen - She Is The One Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
E Esus 4x
E Esus E Esus
With her killer graces and her secret places,
E E Esus E Esus
that no boy can fill
E Esus
With her hands on her hips,
E Esus
oh, and that smile on her lips,
E Esus E Esus
because she knows that it kills me
A Asus4
With her soft French cream,
A Asus4
standing in that doorway like a dream;
A Asus4 A Asus4 A
I wish she'd just leave me alone
E Esus
Because French cream won't soften them boots,
E Esus E Esus E Esus
and French kisses will not break that heart of stone
With her long hair falling,
and her eyes that shine like a midnight sun;
E Esus E Esus E Esus E Esus
woah, she's the one, she's the one
E Esus E E A E 2x
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/289519.html
E Esus
With the thunder in your heart,
E Esus
at night, when you're kneeling in the dark;
E Esus E Esus
it says you're never gonna leave her
E Esus
But there's this angel in her eyes,
E Esus
that tells such desperate lies;
E Esus E Esus
and all you want to do is believe her
A Asus4 A Asus4
And tonight you'll try, just one more time,
A Asus4 A Asus4 A
to leave it all behind and to break on through
E Esus E Esus
Oh, she can take you, but if she wants to break you,
E Esus E Esus
she's gonna find out that ain't so easy to do
And no matter where you sleep tonight, or how far you run;
E Esus E Esus E Esus E Esus
woah, she's the one, she's the one
C#m G#m
Woah, and just one kiss she'd fill them long summer nights, with her tenderness
That secret pact you made, back when her love could save, you from the
B B7 B
bitterness, oo oo
E E Esus E E A E
Woah, she's the one, woah, she's the one
E E Esus E E A E
Woah, she's the one, woah, she's the one
E E Esus E
Woah, she's the one
E E Esus E
Ooo, she's the one, oh, she's the one
Oh, she's the one
E Esus E E A E . . . .
* Alternate:
Capo II
E = D
Esus = Dsus4
A = G
Asus4 = Gsus4
B = A
C#m = Bm
G#m = F#m
F#m = Em
B7 = A7
| |