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Hey i’m Tom, this my first tab upload so I hope you like it
Btw you can play the C/G as a G so wateva suits you, but i rekon it sounds heaps better
And for some reason the Chord names arent over the right words but you should be able to
up the rythm
Secret Garden
by Bruce Springsteen
C C/G Am C/G
She'll let you in her house, if you come knockin' late at night,
Am C/G
She'll let you in her mouth, if the words you say are right,
If you pay the price, she'll let you deep inside,
Am Asus2 C\G G C
There's a secret garden she hides,
She'll let you in her car, to do your drivin' around,
Am C/G
She'll let you into parts of herself, that'll bring you down,
She'll let you in her heart, if you got a hammer and a vice,
Am Asus2 C\G G C
But into her secret garden, don't think twice,
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/128672.html
Am Fmaj7 C G
You've gone a million miles, how far'd you get,
Am Fmaj7 C G
To that place where you can't remember, and you can't forget,
She'll lead you down a path, there'll be tenderness in the air,
Am C/G
She'll let you come just far enough, so you know she's really there,
She'll look at you and smile, and her eyes will say,
Am C/G
She's got a secret garden, where everything you want,
Where everything you need,
C/G Am Asus2 C\G
will always stay, a million miles away.
C C/G Am C/G C C/G Am
C C/G Am C/G G C
Chords C Fmaj7 Asus2 C\G Am
-0 | -0| -0 | -3 |-0 |
-1 | -1| -3 | -1 |-1 |
-0 | -2| -2 | -0 |-2 |
-2 | -3| -2 | -0 |-2 |
-3 | -0| -0 | -2 |-0 |
-0 | -0| -0 | -3 |-0
| |