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Bruce Springsteen - My Ride Is Here Bruce Springsteen - My Ride Is Here | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
Tab by: Jay Hebert
My Ride is Here
I was staying at the marion, with Jesus and John Wayne.
I was waiting for a chariot, they were waitin' for a train.
The sky was full of carion,I'll take the mazuma,
said Jesus to Marry, thats the three ten to you.
Chorus: My rides here x 4 C,F,C,G
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/68296.html
The houston sky was changeless, we galloped through blue bonnets.
I was wrestlin' with an angle, you were working on a sonnet.
He said I believe in Saraphim, who gathered up my pinto.
And carried us away Jenny, across the San jasento.
Chorus x 4
Well Shelly and Keits, they were out in the street, and even Lord Baron he
was leaving for Greece.
While back at the Hilton, last but not least, Elton was holding his sides.
He said you brovos you better, be ready to fight, or we'll never get out, of
east texas tonight.
The trail is long, and the river is wide.
Chorus x 4
I was staying at the Weston, I was planning to withdraw.
When in walked Charlton Heston, whith the tablets of the law.
He said its still the greatest story, I said man I'd like to stay.
But I'm bound for glory, and I'm on my way.
Chorus x 8
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