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Bruce Springsteen - Lost In The Flood Chords Bruce Springsteen - Lost In The Flood Chords | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
Standard Tuning
No Capo
Intro: Em
D C D G Bm7
The ragamuffin gunner is returnin' home like a hungry runaway
He walks through town all alone
G Bm
He must be from the fort he hears the high school girls say
D D/C Em Bm
His countryside's burnin' with wolfman fairies dressed in drag for homicide
C D G Bm
The hit and run, plead sanctuary, `neath a holy stone they hide
C D G Bm
They're breakin' beams and crosses with a spastic's reelin' perfection
Nuns run bald through Vatican halls pregnant, pleadin' immaculate
D D/C Em Bm
And everybody's wrecked on Main Street from drinking unholy blood
C D C Bm Em
Sticker smiles sweet as gunner breathes deep, his ankles caked in mud
C D Em C D
And I said "Hey gunner man that's quicksand, that's quicksand that ain't
C D Em C D
Have you thrown your senses to the war or did you lose them in the flood?" ...
.... Em Am D
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/189695.html
Additional Lyrics:
C D G Bm
That pure American brother, dull-eyed and empty-faced
C D G Bm
Races Sundays in Jersey in a Chevy stock super eight
D D/C Em
He rides `er low on the hip, on the side he's got Bound For Glory in red,
White and blue flash paint
C D C Bm
He leans on the hood telling racing stories, the kids call him Jimmy The
Em G Am
Well the blaze and noise boy, he's gunnin' that bitch loaded to blastin'
G Am Em
He rides head first into a hurricane and disappears into a point
And there's nothin' left but some blood where the body fell
Em Bm
That is, nothin' left that you could sell
C D C Bm Em
Just junk all across the horizon, a real highwayman's farewell
C D Em C D
And he said "Hey kid, you think that's oil? Man, that ain't oil that's
C D Em
I wonder what he was thinking when he hit that storm
C D Em
Or was he just lost in the flood?
Am D D Am Em
C D H Bm
Eighth Avenue sailors in satin shirts whisper in the air
C D G Bm
Some storefront incarnation of Maria, she's puttin' on me the stare
D D/C Em Bm
And Bronx's best apostle stands with his hand on his own hard ware
C D C Bm Em
Everything stops, you hear five, quick shots, the cops come up for air
Em G Am Em
And now the whiz-bang gang from uptown, they're shootin' up the street
And that cat from the Bronx starts lettin' loose
Am Em
but he gets blown right off his feet
D D/C Em Bm
And some kid comes blastin' round the corner but a cop puts him right away
He lays on the street holding his leg screaming something in Spanish
C Bm Em
Still breathing when I walked away
C D Em
And somebody said "Hey man did you see that?
C D Em
His body hit the street with such a beautiful thud"
C D Em C D Em
I wonder what the dude was sayin' or was he just lost in the flood?
C D Em C D Em
Hey man, did you see that, those poor cats are sure messed up
C D Em C D Em
I wonder what they were gettin' into, or were they just lost in the flood?
Am D D Am Em Em Am D
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