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Bruce Springsteen - I Wish I Were Blind Bruce Springsteen - I Wish I Were Blind | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
Here's a relatively recent Boss tune that's simply awesome (from an
underrated album, IMHO). There's also a kick-ass version of this on
XXPlugged. All chord fingerings are standard. Like a lot of Bruce songs,
this is a fun one to sing and the chords are simple enough that you can jam
on it for a long time.
Intro: G
Verse 1:
I love to see cottonwoods blossom in the early spring
I love to see the message of love that the bluebird brings.
C D G Em
But when I see you walking with him down along the strand
I wish I were blind when I see you with your man.
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/128695.html
I love to see your hair shining in the long summer's light.
I love to watch as stars fill the sky on a summer night.
Music plays, you take his hand,
G Em
I watch how you touch him as you start to dance
And I wish I were blind when I see you with your man.
We struggle here but all our love's in vain
Well, these eyes that once filled me with your beauty
Now fill me with pain.
And the light that once centered here
G Em
Is banished from me.
Oh, and this darkness is all baby that my heart sees.
And though this world is filled with the
D G Em
Grace and beauty of God's hand,
I wish I were blind when I see you with your man.
We struggle here but all our love's in vain
Well, these eyes that once filled me with your beauty
Now fill me with pain.
And the light that once centered here
Is banished from me.
Oh, and this darkness is all baby that my heart sees.
And though this world is filled with the
Grace and beauty of God's hand,
I wish I were blind when I see you with your man.
Oh, I wish I were blind when I see you with your man.
Oh, I wish I were blind when I see you with your man.
I think I may have one or two of the chords off,
possibly around the first Em. Any comments/corrections
would be appreciated.
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