Seeger Pete - Little Boxes Seeger Pete - Little Boxes | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Peter Seeger *** Autor hudby: Pete Seeger |
1. Little boGxes on the hillEmside, little boGxes made of Emticky-tacky
little boGxes, little boDxes, little boGxes all the Dsame.
There`s a Ggreen one and a Empink one and a Gblue one and a Emyellow one
and they`re Gall made out of Dticky-tacky and they Gall look Djust the Gsame.
2. And the peoGple in the houEmses all Ggo to the uniEmversity,
and they Gall get put in boDxes, little boGxes, all the Dsame.
And there`s docGtors and there`s lawEmyers and buGsiness exeEmcutives,
and they`re Gall made out of Dticky-tacky, and they Gall look Djust the Gsame.
3. And they Gall play on the Emgolf course and Gdrink their marEmtini dry,
and they Gall have pretty childDren, and the childGren go to Dschool.
And the childGren go to Emsummer camp and Gthen to the uniEmversity,
and they Gall get put in boDxes, and they Gall come Dout the G same.
4. And the Gboys go into busiEmness and marGry and raise a faEmmily,
and they Gall get put in boDxes, líttle boGxes, all the Dsame.
There`s a Ggreen one and a Empink one and a Gblue one and a Emyellow one,
and they`re all Gmade out of D ticky-tacky, and they all Glook Djust the Gsame.
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