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Michael Jackson: Tvůrci filmu o Michaelu Jacksonovi řeší problém - Životopisný film o Michaelu Jacksonovi, který právě vzniká, může mít zpoždění... - rockandpop.cz |
Michael Jackson: Nevlastní dcera Michaela Jacksona tvrdí, že o obviněních proti němu nevěděla - Herečka a modelka Danielle Riley Keoughová (35) je nejen vnučkou Priscilly Presleyové... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Našly se nepublikované písně Michaela Jacksona - Americký sběratel pokladů, šestapadesátiletý bývalý policista Gregg Musgrove, si ... - rockandpop.cz |
FERNANDO: Byly objeveny dosud nezveřejněné nahrávky písní Michaela Jacksona. Svět je ale nejspíš neuslyší - V opuštěném skladišti v San Fernando Valley v Kalifornii byly nalezeny dříve nepu... - novinky.cz |
Michael Jackson: Paris Jacksonová se zasnoubila s hudebním producentem, rodina nemá radost - Dcera Michaela Jacksona (†50) Paris (26) oznámila na sociální síti, že se zasnoubi... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Dcera Michaela Jacksona se bude vdávat! Paris sdílela i dojemný snímek, na kterém ji partner žádá o ruku - Dcera Michaela Jacksona, modelka, herečka a zpěvačka Paris Jackson, je zasnoubená. J... - super.cz |
Grammy: Hudobný svet zasiahla smutná správa: Zomrel legendárny hudobnÃk a producent Quincy Jones (â 91)! - NEW YORK - Vo veku 91 rokov zomrel americký hudobnÃk, skladateľ a trumpetista Qu... - bleskovky.sk |
Grammy: Zemřel Quincy Jones, blízký spolupracovník Michaela Jacksona - Ve věku 91 let zemřel Quincy Jones, americký hudebník a blízký spolupracovník Mich... - IREPORT |
Michael Jackson: Zemřel hudebník (†91), který stál za největšími hity Michaela Jacksona (†50) - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, sklad... - blesk.cz |
Grammy: Zemřel hudebník Quincy Jones. Držiteli osmadvaceti cen Grammy bylo 91 let - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, skladatel a trumpetista Quincy Jones. O smrt... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson - We Have Got Forever Michael Jackson - We Have Got Forever | *** Autor textu: MJ *** Autor hudby: MJ | Who Is It
Michael Jackson
I gave her money
I gave her time
I gave her everything
Inside one heart could find
I gave her passion
My very soul
I gave her promises
And secrets so untold
And she promised me forever
And a day we'd live as one
We made our vows
We'd live a life anew
And she promised me in secret
That she'd love me for all the time
It's a promise so untrue
Tell me what will I do ?
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
'Cause the will has brought
No fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
'Cause I'm lying to myself
And the reason why she left me
Did she find someone else ?
(Who is it ?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it ?)
Is it my brother ?
(Who is it ?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it ?)
I can't take this stuff no more
I am the damned
I am the dead
I am the agony inside
The dying head
This is injustice
Woe unto thee
I pray this punishment
Would have mercy on me
And she promised me forever
That we'd live our life as one
We made our vows
We'd live a love so true
It seems that she has left me
For such reasons unexplained
I need to find the truth
But see what will I do ?
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
'Cause the will has brought
No fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
'Cause I'm bothered everyday
And she didn't leave a letter
She just up and ran away
(Who is it ?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it ?)
Is it my brother ?
(Who is it ?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it ?)
I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely
(Who is it ?)
It is a friend of mine
(Who is it ?)
To me I'm bothered
(Who is it ?)
Somebody hurt my soul
(Who is it ?)
I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
'Cause the will has brought
No fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
'Cause I'm lying to myself
And the reason why she left me
Did she find someone else ?
And it doesn't seem to matter
And it doesn't seem right
'Cause the will has brought
No fortune
Still I cry alone at night
Don't you judge of my composure
'Cause I'm bothered everyday
And she didn't leave a letter
She just up and ran away
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