Pain Of Salvation - Sisters Pain Of Salvation - Sisters | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
A#When all are Cdizzy and Dmihappy from tFoo much wine
I A#leave the Cparty Fbehind
To A#be Calone with my Dthoughts and this Fspinning mind
A#Through this Ccold night
ABut there she stands
And she Dwalks like Cyou
And she Dsmiles almost Clike you
A#A child of the Cwild just like Dyou
A#For a Csecond I Dmithink I get a Fglimpse
A#Of the Creal her, Dmibehind
She's A#warm and Cfragile
With Dmismiles that Freach to her eyes
But A#just this Cmoment
AA change so sublime
A, change, so, sublime
If she Dmilooked me deep Cinto my eyes
And A#softly asked me too
CI'd be Dmiin her bed and Cin her flesh
And A#waste a life I knew
So I Dmihold my breath and Cclose my eyes
And A#focus on the wine
A#Let Cthis Dmitrembling moment Cpass us by
A#So I could Csay Dmigoodnight
By Ienem
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