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Firewind: Live SONATA ARCTICA, FIREWIND, SERIOUS BLACK: Arktické nadšení - Power- (a speed-) metalový bonbónek jsme dostali k rozbalení právě v čase, kdy z hl... - spark | 

Firewind: FOTOGALERIE: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black přivezli do Zlína melodickou metalovou nálož - Čtvrteční večer patřil ve Zlíně energické show, o kterou se postarala Sonata Arct... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: NAžIVO: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black do Zlína dovezli podmanivou metalovou energii - Sonata Arctica, finská legenda melodického metalu, do Zlína přivezla energickou a hud... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: Sonata Arctica už ve čtvrtek zahraje ve Zlíně. Sestavu doplní Firewind a Serious Black - Finští melodicmetaloví mistři Sonata Arctica s potěšením oznamují také českou ... - musicserver.cz | 

Cold: Dubnový Spark uvádí: Tony Kakko (SONATA ARCTICA) – „Umělá inteligence mě děsí.“ - Pro dubnový Spark si o novém albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ s redaktorkou Sabinou Jesenov... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA zve na výlet do Kalifornie - SONATA ARCTICA se na svém aktuálním albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ vrátila do časů po... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA se v novém singlu „Dark Empath“ vrací ke známému motivu - Finští powermetalisté již 8. března vydají své nové studiové album „Clear Cold... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA ohlašuje albem „Clear Cold Beyond“ návrat k rychlému power metalu - Finská SONATA ARCTICA vydá nové studiové album s názvem „Clear Cold Beyond“ 8. b... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: STRATOVARIUS, SONATA ARCTICA - 9. 11. 2023, Brno, SONO Centrum - Brněnský večer finských metalových melodií fotil Radek Šich.
... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: SONATA ARCTICA se s novým singlem vrací k powermetalovým kořenům - Po vydání dvou akustických alb pracovali finští power metalisté SONATA ARCTICA tajn... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica - Shamandalie Version 2 Sonata Arctica - Shamandalie Version 2 | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Sonata Arctica | Chords- (names remain true to their position, despite a capo change- ex: Am is x02210
the capo is on 4 or 2)
E- 022100
Esus4- 022200
Em- 022000
E5- 022xxx
A- x02220
Am- x02210
A5- x022xx
F- 133211
F5- 133xxx
F#5- 244xxx
G- 320003
Gsus4- 320010
G5- 355xxx
C- x32010
C/B- x22010
B- x24442
B5- x244xx
D- xx0232
Dm- xx0231
Em Am F G
In good old times, remember my friend
C F Am C C/B
The moon was so bright and so close to us, sometimes
Em Am F G
We were still blind and deaf, what a bliss
C F Am C
Painting the world of our own, for our own eyes now
Can we ever have what we had then?
Dm Am
Friendship unbreakable
Love means nothing to me
F Dm Gsus4
Without blinking an eye
G Dm Am
I'd fade, if so needed
All those moments with you
F Dm Esus4 E
If I had you beside me
Em Am F G
One cloudy day we both lost the game
C F Am C C/B
We drifted so far and away
Em Am F G
Nothing is quite as cruel as a child
C F Am C C/B
Sometimes we break the unbreakable, sometimes
Can we ever have what we had then?
Dm Am
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
F Dm Gsus4
Without blinking an eye
G Dm Am
I'd fade, if so needed
All those moments with you
F Dm Esus4 E Em C
B Bm G A
If I had you beside me now
E5 F#5 G5 F C D
I was un-able to cope with what you said
E5 F#5 G5 F C D
Some- times we need to be cruel to be kind
E5 F#5 G5 F C D
Child that I was, could not see the reason
E5 F#5 G5 F C D
Feelings I had but sham and a lie?
Am F C G F
I have never forgotten your smile
G Am
Your eyes oh, Shamandalie
Time went by, many memories died
Dm Em C C/B
I'm writing this down to ease my pain
Am F C G F
You saw us always clearer than me
G Am
How we were never meant to be
Love denied meant the friendship would die
Dm Esus4 E
Now I have seen the light
Dm E
These memories make me cry
E5 F#5 G5 Am F G
E5 F#5 G5 - F5 G5 A5 - A5
A5 E C/B G
Can we ever have what we had then?
Dm Am
Friendship unbroken
Love means nothing to me
F Dm Gsus4
Without blinking an eye
G Dm Am
I'd fade, if so needed
All those moments with you
F Dm Gsus4 G Dm
see the world with my wide open eyes
(Dm) Am
Friendship got broken
There's no other for me
F Dm Gsus4 G
Like the one of my childhood days
Dm Am
Can you forgive me?
Love's got better off me,
F Am Esus4 E Em
On that day back in old times |
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