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Mudhoney: Jediný koncert Mudhoney v ČR je za rohem - Jediný koncert grungeových legend Mudhoney v ČR je za rohem. Kapela, která zásadní... - rockandpop.cz | 

Eva Burešová: Nová alba: Ellie Goulding, Eva Burešová, Mudhoney i Powerwolf - Britka Ellie Gouldingová je výrazná dáma světové hudební scény a její nová kol... - novinky.cz | 

Ellie Goulding: Nové desky 14/2023 - od Ellie Goulding přes Mudhoney po Powerwolf - Velký pátek přinesl několik hudebních pokladů. Novou desku konečně vydala Ellie G... - musicserver.cz | 

Mudhoney: FOTOGALERIE: Mudhoney mají pořád energie na rozdávání. V Lucerna Music Baru odehráli fantastický koncert - Mudhoney se po letech vrátili do Prahy. Přivezli si s sebou Seattleské The Drove, pře... - musicserver.cz | 

Mudhoney: Mudhoney se v úterý vrátí do Lucerna Music Baru - Mudhoney se zpěvákem Markem Armem se vracejí do pražského Lucerna Music Baru. Vystou... - musicserver.cz | 

Mudhoney: Comebackový singl Mudhoney "Paranoid Core" je "těžkou hudbou pro těžké časy" - musicserver.cz | 

Mudhoney: Mudhoney, GNU, The Treatment, Lucerna Music Bar, Praha, 29.5.2013 - musicserver.cz | 

Mudhoney: Mudhoney ve fotografiích - freemusic.cz | 

Mudhoney: Mudhoney živě: bude vás to bavit, možná skoro stejně jako nás - lidovky.cz | 

Mudhoney: Mudhoney, Anyway, Palác Akropolis, Praha, 17.10.2009 - musicserver.cz | 

Mudhoney - Into Yer Shtik Mudhoney - Into Yer Shtik | *** Autor textu: Mark Arm *** Autor hudby: Mudhoney | You're so tormented
To all the assholes just like you
Who've come and gone before you
Just plain dull
Why don't you
Blow your brains out, too?
You're so into yer shtik
You're so hounded
By scum sucking leeches
Who will shovel your shit
Sweep your dessert
Both before and after it
Feed your ego
They never tell you no
All of you
Make me sick
You're so into yer shtik
And they're all into your shtik
Well, Mitchell's got a new girl
She's nineteen
Hollywood model
Star of the screen
She's up here
To support the scene
It's all part
Of his rock and roll fantasy
Stan was at the bar
With bandaged hands
They tried to dry him out
And he got mad
Cut his fist
Punching hospital glass
Made his myth
Now he's trapped
Susie's just a girl
Who's doing her job
That came to New York
And wanted a car
Working with the management
To the stars
Kissing ass
Is a part of her job
It's part of her job
Yeah, it's part of her job
Oh she loves her job
What the hell
She does it so well
I'm not perfect
I've lived a life of mistakes
I'm not perfect
But there's one thing I can't take
You are into yer shtik
You're so into yer shtik
And they're so into yer shtik
Fuck you, you make me sick
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