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Billie Eilish: 40 nejočekávanějších koncertů roku 2025: Robbie Williams, Billie Eilish, jazz i rap - Největší davy přivítají popoví Imagine Dragons, metaloví Iron Maiden nebo rocker ... - aktualne.cz | 

Bruce Springsteen: HUDBA V TV: Dokument Deník z turné poodkrývá zákulisí koncertů Bruce Springsteena. Přesto neví, čím chce vlastně být - Bruce Springsteen a jeho The E Street Band se po téměř nekonečných šesti letech, kt... - musicserver.cz | 

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Bruce Springsteen: Bruce Springsteen odložil pražský koncert až na červen 2025 - Pro fanoušky Bruce Springsteena máme dvě zprávy - jednu dobrou a druhou o trošku hor... - musicserver.cz | 

Bruce Springsteen: Zpěvák Bruce Springsteen vystoupí v Praze 15. června příštího roku - Praha - Americký zpěvák a skladatel Bruce Springsteen vystoupí v Praze-Letňanech... - ceskenoviny.cz | 

Bruce Springsteen - Youngstown Bruce Springsteen - Youngstown | *** Autor textu: Springsteen *** Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen | Here in northeast Ohio
Back in eighteen-o-three
James and Dan Heaton
Found the ore that was linin' Yellow Creek
They built a blast furnace
Here along the shore
And they made the cannonballs
That helped the Union win the war
Here in Youngstown
Here in Youngstown
My sweet Jenny I'm sinkin' down
Here darlin' in Youngstown
Well my daddy worked the furnaces
Kept 'em hotter than hell
I come home from 'Nam worked my way to scarfer
A job that'd suit the devil as well
Taconite coke and limestone
Fed my children and make my pay
Them smokestacks reachin' like the arms of God
Into a beautiful sky of soot and clay
Here in Youngstown
Here in Youngstown
Sweet Jenny I'm sinkin' down
Here darlin' in Youngstown
Well my daddy come on the Ohio works
When he come home from World War Two
Now the yard's just scrap and rubble
He said "Them big boys did what Hitler couldn't do."
These mills they built the tanks and bombs
That won this country's wars
We sent our sons to Korea and Vietnam
Now we're wondering what they were dyin' for
Here in Youngstown
Here in Youngstown
My sweet Jenny I'm sinkin' down
Here darlin' in Youngstown
From the Monongahela valley
To the Mesabi iron range
To the coal mines of Appalachia
The story's always the same
Seven hundred tons of metal a day
Now sir you tell me the world's changed
Once I made you rich enough
Rich enough to forget my name
And Youngstown
And Youngstown
My sweet Jenny I'm sinkin' down
Here darlin' in Youngstown
When I die I don't want no part of heaven
I would not do heaven's work well
I pray the devil comes and takes me
To stand in the fiery furnaces of hell
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