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Exodus: Aktéři promluvili – rozchod EXODUS se zpěvákem zjevně neproběhl přátelsky… - Aktéři aktuálního personálního rozkolu v EXODUS o něm poprvé promluvili. Slova zp... - spark | 

DUKES: Zetro out, Dukes in – EXODUS podruhé vstupují do stejné řeky - Personální šok u EXODUS. Kapela se rozešla se zpěvákem Stevem „Zetrem“ Souzou, ... - spark | 

Exodus: Legendární EXODUS pracují na nové desce - Fanoušci řízného thrash metalu mají důvod jásat. Legendární EXODUS se totiž chy... - spark | 

Dave: Dave Lombardo na druhém albu projektu VENAMORIS předělal SCORPIONS - Dave Lombardo (ex-SLAYER, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES) po dvou letech vydá druhé album svého m... - spark | 

Ac/dc: EXODUS hrají AC/DC - Thrasheři EXODUS sice pracují na nástupci alba „Persona Non Grata“ (2021), ke své... - spark | 

Brutal Assault: FOTO: Svátek pogování, poodhalená ňadra i skvělý metal. Takový byl Brutal Assault - Do kulis historické pevnosti v Josefově se po roce vrátili fanoušci tvrdé hudby. Ha... - novinky.cz | 

Exodus: Koncert legendy Exodus bol skutoÄnou oslavou thrash metalu! - Boli Äasy, kedy by ste pri nápade ÃsÅ¥ na koncert do klubu uprostred leta iba ... - bleskovky.sk | 

Deicide: Metalová vášeň v pevných zdech. Začal Brutal Assault - Festival Brutal Assault, svátek extrémních metalových žánrů, ozdobily ve středu k... - novinky.cz | 

Exodus: Koncert legendy Exodus bol skutočnou oslavou thrash metalu! - Boli časy, kedy by ste pri nápade ísť na koncert do klubu uprostred leta iba neveriac... - zoznam.sk | 

Exodus: Thrash metalová víchrica Exodus už v sobotu vymetie MMC! - Keby sa povestná thrash metalová Big Four rozrástla na Big Five, Exodus by tam určite... - zoznam.sk | 

Exodus - Changing of the Guard Exodus - Changing of the Guard | *** Autor textu: Rob Dukes *** Autor hudby: Exodus | Rumanian dictator, emperor for life
Lived a life of luxury shared only by his wife
Growing fat like pigs, eating meals fit for a king
Accumulating assets like none you've ever seen
Now the table's turned, they were stripped of all they owned
The revolution's cast the dictator from the throne
With their execution, so ends the tyranny
Two bullets from a rifle set the people free
Fighting for their rights
They toppled the regime
Pillage all their riches
Left them not a thing
Now they know the feeling
To reap the seeds they've sewn
Banished from the living
When they were overthrown
How did they feed the enormous greed
It took to satisfy their needs?
They drained the country dry
As thousands had to die
But now the monarchy is nullfied!
The changing of the guard
They no longer deal the cards
The world demands democracy
It's the dawning of a time
When the system's redefined
Oppression's now a distant memory
Communism yields to the might the people wield
For a democratic form of government
For their blatant disregard
They have suffered long and hard
It's time for a changing of the guard!
No longer will they rule the land by genocide
The traces of their empire have all been liquefied
Political reform has gotten underway
Now they're free to speak, before they'd only pray
Freedom is contagious, it's spreading far and wide
The Berlin Wall has fallen, there's no need to divide
They walk across a border where many tried and failed
Others died but not in vain, the people have prevailed.
Fighting for their rights
They toppled the regime
Pillaged all their riches
Left them not o thing
Now they know the feeling
To reap the seeds they've sewn
Banished from the living
When they were overthrown
How did they feed the enormous greed
It took to satisfy their needs?
They drained the country dry
As thousands had to die
But now the monarchy is nullified!
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