Adam Green - Were Not Supposed To Be Lovers Adam Green - Were Not Supposed To Be Lovers | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Epicture a place that's far from Asmidanger
a Enicer place to cash your Asmichips
i'm Anot the one holding you hostage
Esqueezed in bBetween my lEips
Ewe're not supposed to be lAsmiovers
or Efriends like they'd have uAsmis believe
we're Anot supposed to know each other
Eaccept mBy apolEogy
Ei was a babe stuck in a Asmitree branch
Ebanging on my rusty cradle Asmibars
until i Astole your middle finger
Enow who's the Bone in Echarge?
Ewe're not supposed to be lAsmiovers
or Efriends like they'd have uAsmis believe
we're Anot supposed to know each other
Eaccept mBy apolEogy
Evein undergBround
Efist Bface Adown
C#mibruise as they heal my pBain
Efood on the fBlight
EbreakBfast Abite
C#midropped from the orange juice Bcrane
Epicture a person you'd Asmiforgotten
Ekissing your brother or your Asmifriend
Apicture a wounded entertainer
Ecutting his Bhair aEgain
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