Adam Green - Bartholemew Adam Green - Bartholemew | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
CBartholemew bring me a fork
There's a G7minstrel parade on tv
Let the Clights glow, an excellent reason
To G7stay home toniCght
COh the old men wave their canes
They have Emiyesterday's brains
And their Fworlds stop turning on sundayGs
CThe young lives are clipped
And Emismudged on the rocks
FDistorted and forgGotten
CQuietly she enters the room
But we G7can't talk, we can not be seen
CReturning her new pair of jeans
G7Just to stay home Ctonight
COh the mirror always shows
There's a Emistranger in my clothes
FStanding on the third raiGl
CLost at sea
Emisearching for me
And we Fdon't know how to Gsail
CSo if you go to guitar store
You will G7see me again
Holding the door
CIt's an excellent night to sleep on the floor
If you G7stay home Ctonight
COh i saw you before
In the Emiguitar store
FI was lonely, lazy and Guseless
CAnd Bartholemew moans
To the Emicounterfeit clones
When he Ffeels like he's not a Ghuman
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