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Michael Jackson: Tvůrci filmu o Michaelu Jacksonovi řeší problém - Životopisný film o Michaelu Jacksonovi, který právě vzniká, může mít zpoždění... - rockandpop.cz |
Michael Jackson: Nevlastní dcera Michaela Jacksona tvrdí, že o obviněních proti němu nevěděla - Herečka a modelka Danielle Riley Keoughová (35) je nejen vnučkou Priscilly Presleyové... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Našly se nepublikované písně Michaela Jacksona - Americký sběratel pokladů, šestapadesátiletý bývalý policista Gregg Musgrove, si ... - rockandpop.cz |
FERNANDO: Byly objeveny dosud nezveřejněné nahrávky písní Michaela Jacksona. Svět je ale nejspíš neuslyší - V opuštěném skladišti v San Fernando Valley v Kalifornii byly nalezeny dříve nepu... - novinky.cz |
Michael Jackson: Paris Jacksonová se zasnoubila s hudebním producentem, rodina nemá radost - Dcera Michaela Jacksona (†50) Paris (26) oznámila na sociální síti, že se zasnoubi... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Dcera Michaela Jacksona se bude vdávat! Paris sdílela i dojemný snímek, na kterém ji partner žádá o ruku - Dcera Michaela Jacksona, modelka, herečka a zpěvačka Paris Jackson, je zasnoubená. J... - super.cz |
Grammy: Hudobný svet zasiahla smutná správa: Zomrel legendárny hudobnÃk a producent Quincy Jones (â 91)! - NEW YORK - Vo veku 91 rokov zomrel americký hudobnÃk, skladateľ a trumpetista Qu... - bleskovky.sk |
Grammy: Zemřel Quincy Jones, blízký spolupracovník Michaela Jacksona - Ve věku 91 let zemřel Quincy Jones, americký hudebník a blízký spolupracovník Mich... - IREPORT |
Michael Jackson: Zemřel hudebník (†91), který stál za největšími hity Michaela Jacksona (†50) - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, sklad... - blesk.cz |
Grammy: Zemřel hudebník Quincy Jones. Držiteli osmadvaceti cen Grammy bylo 91 let - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, skladatel a trumpetista Quincy Jones. O smrt... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson - We´ve Had Enough Michael Jackson - We´ve Had Enough | | Love was taken from a young life
And no one told her why
Her direction has a dimlight
From one more violent crime
She innocently questioned why
Why her father had to die
She asked the men in blue
How is it that you get to choose
Who will live and who will die
Did god say that you could decide ?
You saw he didn't run
And that my daddy had no gun
In the middle of a village
Way in a distant land
Lies a poor boy with his broken toy
Too young to understand
He's awaken, ground is shaking
His father grabs his hand
Screaming crying, his wife's dying
Now he's left to explain
He innocently questioned why
Why his mother had to die
What did these soldiers come here for ?
If they're for peace why is there war ?
Did God say that they could decide
Who will live and who will die ?
All my mama ever did
Was try to take care of her kids
When innocence is standing by
Watching people loosing lives
It seems as if we have no voice
It's time for us to make a choice
Only god could decide
Who will live and who will die
There's nothing that can't be done
If we raise our voice as one
They've gotta hear it from me
They've gotta hear it from you
They've gotta hear it from us?
We can't take it
We've already had enough
They've gotta hear it from me?
They've gotta hear it from you?
They've gotta hear it from us?
We can't take it
We've already had enough
They've gotta hear it from me?
They've gotta hear it from you?
They've gotta hear it from you baby?
We can't take it
We've already had enough
Deep in my soul baby
Deep in your soul and by your side
Deep in my soul
It's so big and i'm still alive
They've gotta hear it from us?
We can't take it
We've already had enough
It's going down baby
Just let God decide,
It's going on baby
Just let God decide
Deep in my soul baby
We've already had enough
They've gotta hear it from me?
They've gotta hear it from you ?
They've gotta hear it from us?
We can't, we can't
We've already had enough |
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