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Michael Jackson: Tvůrci filmu o Michaelu Jacksonovi řeší problém - Životopisný film o Michaelu Jacksonovi, který právě vzniká, může mít zpoždění... - rockandpop.cz |
Michael Jackson: Nevlastní dcera Michaela Jacksona tvrdí, že o obviněních proti němu nevěděla - Herečka a modelka Danielle Riley Keoughová (35) je nejen vnučkou Priscilly Presleyové... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Našly se nepublikované písně Michaela Jacksona - Americký sběratel pokladů, šestapadesátiletý bývalý policista Gregg Musgrove, si ... - rockandpop.cz |
FERNANDO: Byly objeveny dosud nezveřejněné nahrávky písní Michaela Jacksona. Svět je ale nejspíš neuslyší - V opuštěném skladišti v San Fernando Valley v Kalifornii byly nalezeny dříve nepu... - novinky.cz |
Michael Jackson: Paris Jacksonová se zasnoubila s hudebním producentem, rodina nemá radost - Dcera Michaela Jacksona (†50) Paris (26) oznámila na sociální síti, že se zasnoubi... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson: Dcera Michaela Jacksona se bude vdávat! Paris sdílela i dojemný snímek, na kterém ji partner žádá o ruku - Dcera Michaela Jacksona, modelka, herečka a zpěvačka Paris Jackson, je zasnoubená. J... - super.cz |
Grammy: Hudobný svet zasiahla smutná správa: Zomrel legendárny hudobnÃk a producent Quincy Jones (â 91)! - NEW YORK - Vo veku 91 rokov zomrel americký hudobnÃk, skladateľ a trumpetista Qu... - bleskovky.sk |
Grammy: Zemřel Quincy Jones, blízký spolupracovník Michaela Jacksona - Ve věku 91 let zemřel Quincy Jones, americký hudebník a blízký spolupracovník Mich... - IREPORT |
Michael Jackson: Zemřel hudebník (†91), který stál za největšími hity Michaela Jacksona (†50) - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, sklad... - blesk.cz |
Grammy: Zemřel hudebník Quincy Jones. Držiteli osmadvaceti cen Grammy bylo 91 let - Ve věku 91 let zemřel americký hudebník, skladatel a trumpetista Quincy Jones. O smrt... - idnes.cz |
Michael Jackson - Xcape Michael Jackson - Xcape | | He's gone!
Every where I turn no matter where I look
The systems in control its all ran by the book
I gotta get away so I can free my mind
Escape is
What I need
(lectric') lectric eyes
No matter where I am I see my face around
They pin lies on my name and put them town to town
Don't have a place to run but there's no need to hide
I got ta
Find a place
So I can
Hide away
Gotta get away from the system, rules and the world today
The pressure that I feel from relationships had to go away
The man with the pen that writes the lies that has no ink
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me
Sometimes I feel like....I've gotta get away
I tried to share my life with someone I could love
But games and money is all she ever thought of
How could that be my fault when she gambled and lost?
I'm tired of
Silly games
Time to
Make a change
Why is it I cant do whatever want to?
When in my personal life freind i dont live for you
So don't you try to tell me what is right for me
To be con, cerned about you
I cant do
What I want to
Gotta get away from the system, rules and the world today
The pressure that I feel from relationships had to go away
The man with the pen that writes the lies that has no ink
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me
Gotta get away from the system, rules and the world today
The pressure that I feel from relationships
had to go away
The man with the pen that writes the lies that has no ink
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me
When I go
Oh, now
This problem world won't brother me
This problem world
Won't worry me no more
Gotta get away from the system, rules and the world today
The pressure that I feel from relationships had to go away
The man with the pen that writes the lies that has no ink
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me
I gotta get away from the system, rules and the world today
The pressure that i feel from relationships had to go away
The man with the pen that writes the lies that has no ink
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me
gotta get away
The pressure that I feel
The man with the pen I can't take this kinda shit no more
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me
Sometimes you just wanna escape, you wanna escape
Gotta get outta here!
Gotta get away
You want me, come and get me
The pressure that I feel
The man with the pen
I do what I wanna
I do what I wanna cuz I gotta be nobody but me!
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