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Dmx - The Prayer Vi Dmx - The Prayer Vi | | [DMX]
In the name of Jesus
Let us pray
Father please walk with us through the bad times as well as the good
May we be heard and understood from the suburbs to the hood
May you judge us by our hearts and not by our mistakes
And see that we get a breakthrough however long that it takes
May you fill that void in our souls that will lay our fears to rest
Cause there is no way we can live for Jesus when we're liven in the flesh
So I pray that you allow our sprits to be born
Go strong move on know right from wrong
Verse John Chapter 2 verse 15
do not love the world or anything in the world and we know what that means
But lessen we know the distance we need to keep away from fire to keep it missing
That doesn't mean we'll listen
Lord you take care of fools and babies
You teach women to honor their men and men respect their ladies
But lately so many of us have gone a stray
Doing wrong for so long that we've forgotten the way
Please bring us back home and still in us the word witch is our backbone
Which is children that act grown
There is so much that we're entitled to yet we receive so little
Cause in this time of spiritual warfare we're comfortable in the middle
So I pray that you open our eyes
Give us the unknowing to recognize the devil and his lies
If we keep our actions wise and our prays sincere
Our heads to the sky you will demonist our fears
In Jesus name we have prayed
Amen and Amen
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