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Steve Vai: Kytarový virtuos Steve Vai míří do Brna a Prahy - Když si vás do své kapely vybere Frank Zappa, znamená to, že umíte hrát zatraceně... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Steve Vai: Kytarový virtuoz Steve Vai míří do Brna a Prahy - Když si vás do své kapely vybere Frank Zappa, znamená to, že umíte hrát zatraceně... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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MOUTH: AUDIO: Poslechněte si dosud nevydanou píseň Franka Zappy 'Your Mouth (Take 1)' - Psalo se 10. dubna 1972, když se po několika týdnech zkoušek Frank Zappa odebral do h... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa: SLAVNá ALBA: 'Over-nite Sensation' a 'Apostrophe (')' aneb Ideální úvod do tvorby Franka Zappy - Těžko si představit seriál, který se jmenuje Slavná alba a který by neobsahoval al... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa: Frank Zappa: Umění šoku - Pokud by si dnes někdo, kdo Franka Zappu nikdy v životě neslyšel, pustil jeho raná a... - spark | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Mothers Of Invention: Do Prahy brzy zamíří spoluhráči Franka Zappy - abradio.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Bažant Pohoda: Na festival Pohoda príde britský talent Birdy, ale aj Ylvis, Slaves, Lasica a ďalší - ahudba.sk | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa: Rudolfinum ovládla méně známá hudba Franka Zappy - ceskenoviny.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Bára Basiková: Vyšiel Nový Populár, preèítajte si, èo obsahuje | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Bára Basiková: Vyšiel časopis Nový Populár 1/2016, prečítajte si, čo obsahuje | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Frank Zappa - Outside Now Frank Zappa - Outside Now | | Joe: (somewhat exhausted)
These executives
have plooked the
fuck out of me
And there's still a long
time to go before I've
Paid my debt
to society
And all I ever really
wanted to do was
Play the guitar 'n bend
the string like
I've got it
I'll be sullen
and withdrawn
I'll dwindle off into
the twilight realm
Of my own
secret thoughts
I'll lay on my back
here 'til dawn
In a semi-
catatonic state
And dream of
guitar notes
That would irritate
An executive
kinda guy...
And sure enough JOE dreams up a few of those guitar notes that every executive despises...those low ones...every exec knows it's only the records with the high squeally ones that get to be hits (except for Duane Eddy)...
Well, I guess that
one did the trick
If they only coulda
heard it
Half-a-dozen of 'em
woulda strangled
While they was suckin'
on each others' dick
But that was only a
bunch of imaginary
Notes I played
Just a little extra
To keep me goin'
from day to day
That's okay
I'll be gettin' outta
here pretty soon
Then I won't have
to live
In this ugly
fuckin' room
Can't wait to see
I can't wait to see
what it's like
On the outside now...
Can't wait to see
I can't wait to see
what it's like
On the outside now...
Can't wait to see
I can't wait to see
what it's like
On the outside now...
Can't wait to see
I can't wait to see
what it's like
On the outside now...
etc., etc., etc.
And JOE just lays there, dreaming imaginary guitar notes for years on end, until finally they let him out...
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