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Billie Eilish: 40 nejočekávanějších koncertů roku 2025: Robbie Williams, Billie Eilish, jazz i rap - Největší davy přivítají popoví Imagine Dragons, metaloví Iron Maiden nebo rocker ... - aktualne.cz | 

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Bruce Springsteen: Bruce Springsteen odložil pražský koncert až na červen 2025 - Pro fanoušky Bruce Springsteena máme dvě zprávy - jednu dobrou a druhou o trošku hor... - musicserver.cz | 

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Bruce Springsteen - The River Bruce Springsteen - The River | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Intro |Em|G|D|C G|Am|G|C|/|
I Emicome from down in the Gvalley where DMister when you're Cyoung,
they Emibring you up to Gdo Clike your daddy Gdone.
Me and CMary we met in high school when sGhe was just DsevenEmiteen,
we'd Amidrive out of this valley, down to Gwhere the fields were Cgreen.
and Emifor my nineteenth Gbirthday I got a union Ccard and a wedding Gcoat.
We Cwent down to the court house and the Gjudge put it Dall to Emirest.
No Amiwedding day smiles, no walk down the aisle,
no Gflowers, no wedding Cdress.
That night we went Emidown to the Criver, and Dinto the river we'd Gdive,
oh Emidown to the Criver we did Dride, yeah yeah Cyeah.
Instrumental |Em|G|D|C|Em|G|C|G|
|C|/|G D|Em|Am|/|G|C|/|
I Emigot a job working conGstruction for the DJohnstown CompaCny,
but Emilately there ain't been Gmuch work on aCccount of the econoGmy.
Now Call them things that seemed so important,
well Mister Gthey vanished Dright into the Emiair.
Now I just Amiact like I don't remember, Mary Gacts like she don't Ccare.
But I reEmimember us riding in my Gbrother's car,
her body Dtanned and wet down at the Creservoir.
At Eminight on them banks I'd Glie awake,
and pull her Cclose just to feel each Gbreath she'd take.
Now those Cmemories come back to haunt me, they Ghaunt me Dlike a Emicurse.
Is a Amidream a lie, if it don't come true? Or Gis something Cworse...
...That sends me Emidown to the Criver, though I Dknow the river is Gdry.
That sends me Emidown to the Criver toDnight, yeah yeah Cyeah.
EmiDown to the Criver my Dbaby and GI, oh Emidown to the Criver we Dride, ah ah Cah.
EmiOoh Cooh DooGh..Emi, C, D, C.
Coda |Em|C|D|G|Em|C|D|C| 3x |Em|/|
| |