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Billie Eilish: 40 nejočekávanějších koncertů roku 2025: Robbie Williams, Billie Eilish, jazz i rap - Největší davy přivítají popoví Imagine Dragons, metaloví Iron Maiden nebo rocker ... - aktualne.cz | 

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Bruce Springsteen: Bruce Springsteen odložil pražský koncert až na červen 2025 - Pro fanoušky Bruce Springsteena máme dvě zprávy - jednu dobrou a druhou o trošku hor... - musicserver.cz | 

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Bruce Springsteen - Rosalita (come Out Tonight) Bruce Springsteen - Rosalita (come Out Tonight) | | Spread out now Rosie doctor come cut loose her mama's reins
You know playin' blind man's bluff is a little baby's game
You pick up Little Dynamite I'm gonna pick up Little Gun
And together we're gonna go out tonight and make that highway run
You don't have to call me lieutenant Rosie and I don't want to be your son
The only lover I'm ever gonna need's your soft sweet little girl's tongue and Rosie you're the one
Dynamite's in the belfry playin' with the bats
Little Gun's downtown in front of Woolworth's tryin' out his attitude on all the cats
Papa's on the corner waitin' for the bus
Mama she's home in the window waitin' up for us
She'll be there in that chair when they wrestle her upstairs 'cause you know we ain't gonna come
I ain't here on business
I'm only here for fun
Rosalita jump a little lighter
Senorita come sit by my fire
I just want to be your lover ain't no liar
Rosalita you're my stone desire
Jack the Rabbit and Weak Knees Willie you know they're gonna be there
Ah Sloppy Sue and Big Bones Billy they'll be comin' up for air
We're gonna play some pool skip some school act real cool
Stay out all night it's gonna feel all right
Rosie come out tonight Rosie come out tonight
Windows are for cheaters chimneys for the poor
Closets are for hangers winners use the door
Rosalita jump a little lighter
Senorita come sit by my fire
I just want to be your lover ain't no liar
Rosalita you're my stone desire
Now I know your mama she don't like me 'cause I play in a rock and roll band
And I know your daddy he don't dig me but he never did understand
Papa lowered the boom he locked you in your room
I'm comin' to lend a hand
I'm comin' to liberate you confiscate you I want to be your man
Someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny
But now you're sad your mama's mad
And your papa says he knows that I don't have any money
Tell him this is his last chance to get his daughter in a fine romance
Because a record company Rosie just gave me big bucks
My tires were slashed and I almost crashed but the Lord had mercy
My machine she's a dud out stuck in the mud somewhere in the swamps of Jersey
Hold on tight stay up all night 'cause Rosie I'm comin' on strong
By the time we meet the morning light I will hold you in my arms
I know a pretty little place in Southern California down San Diego way
There's a little cafe where they play guitars all night and day
You can hear them in the back room strummin'
So hold tight baby 'cause don't you know daddy's comin'
Rosalita jump a little lighter
Senorita come sit by my fire
I just want to be your lover ain't no liar
Rosalita you're my stone desire
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