Celine Dion - Ne Bouge Pas / Do Not Move Celine Dion - Ne Bouge Pas / Do Not Move | | You charm, you wound but you never lie
You only choose, good or bad
Who decide of what is done?
You are as you are, Ca plait me
You do not have an hour of winter, of ete
Moreover your watch you have it donnee
But when I am badly you know it
You find two, three words and Ca is there
Like, it is not to you often
Listen, it is important...
Do not move anything does not move
One does not make any much like you
Do not touch has anything it is well like Ca
Do not move anything does not move
You like extremely and then you disappear
Have you well too many friends to remain
You cannot same step excuse yourself
Just to make you forgive
You forget the evil that one makes you
You want all to always divide
You laugh, you cry without you to hide
Life ecoule without you abimer
People like Ca, y' in does not have such an amount of
Listen, it is important....
Do not move anything does not move
One does not make any much like you
Do not touch has anything it is well like Ca
Do not move anything does not move
One will say you turns the page does not move nothing does not move
It is necessary to grow, to become wise does not move anything does not move
All these words which put to us out of cage does not move anything does not move
To be free there is no age does not move anything does not move about it
Listen, it is important...
Do not move anything does not move
One does not make any much like you
Do not touch has anything it is well like Ca
Do not move anything does not move
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