Will Smith

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Will Smith

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Will Smith - No More
Will Smith - No More



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Hey this is me, I'm not in right now
But if you leave your name and your number
I'll just might think about calling you back.
Have a pleasant day.

[Verse One]
Pick up the phone girl, I know that you home
Please don't leave me all alone with just the sound of this tone.
Come on pick up, pick up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up
I know I don't deserve it cause of how I messed up
But alright cool, sit and listen
I'm missing your kiss and now a tear drop glistens
I had a bit to drink, kinda threw me
Things just happened, she didn't mean nuttin' to me
You know me baby, I'm still that same man
That asked for your hand, and still the same plan
Another brother falls by the wayside
Another brother falls by the play side
I knew ever since I was a kid
That I was going to pay the piper for the things I did
But now there is no more us, no more we
No more nuttin' girl damn and it's all cause of me

No more late nights watching tv
No more talks on the phone till three
No more playing in the leaves in the fall
No more piggy back rides in the mall
No more ice cream cones to share
No more sittin' just playin' in your hair
No more picnics out by the sea
There ain't no more nuttin' and it's all cause of me

[Verse Two]
Damn, some brothers yeah we huff and we puff
Cause when we're hurtin' inside, we gots to front like we tough.
But that's dangerous, to cover hurt with hard
Because you still get scared through that feeble facade
Then the bonds of your ego, when the shackles of manhood
Makes you lose something thats damn good
A picture in my mind of us hand and hand walking
So alive, now I'm a dead man talking
Why can't you just pick it up so we can sit and just talk
Why can't you meet me somewhere so we can go take a walk
I can't hide, air, land, or sea.
Cause everytime I turn around, there I be
When I was with you I felt free
Now I'm in a cage called me
Now I see, no more us, no more we
No more nuttin' girl damn, and it's all cause of me

Chorus 2X

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