I'll Gmbuy you six Fbay mares to Dmput in your Cstable
Gmsix golden Dmapples Fbought with my Cpay.
I Gmam the first Fpiper Dmwho calls the Csweet tune,
but GmI must be Dmgone by the Fseventh Cday. A
So come Eon, GI'm the Dwhistler. A I have a Efife and a Gdrum to play.DA Get EreadyG for the Dwhistler. F#m I whistle alDong on the Eseventh day F#m whistle along on the Eseventh day. G#
GmAll kinds of Fsadness DmI've left beChind me.
GmMany's the Dmday when FI have done Cwrong.
GmBut I'll be Fyours for Dmever and Cever.
GmClimb in the Dmsaddle and Fwhistle alCong. A
So come Eon, GI'm the Dwhistler. A I have a Efife and a Gdrum to play.DA Get EreadyG for the Dwhistler. F#m I whistle alDong on the Eseventh day F#m whistle along on the Eseventh day. G#
Deep Gmred are the Fsunsets in Dmmystical Cplaces.
GmBlack are the Dmnights on Fsummerday Csands.
GmWe'll find the Fspeck of Dmtruth in each Criddle.
GmHold the first Dmgrain of Flove in our Chands. A
So come Eon, GI'm the Dwhistler. A I have a Efife and a Gdrum to play.DA Get EreadyG for the Dwhistler. F#m I whistle alDong on the Eseventh day F#m whistle aDlong on the Eseventh day.
N.C. E G D A
So come on, I'm a whistler.
I have a Efife and a Gdrum to play.DA Get EreadyG for the Dwhistler. F#m I whistle alDong on the Eseventh day F#m whistle aDlong on the Eseventh day. G#