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Bryan Adams: Bryan Adams zazpívá tam, kde letos zpíval Ed Sheeran - Kanadský zpěvák Bryan Adams se příští rok představí opět v České republice. ... - rockandpop.cz |
AIKO: Prague Music Week Awards znají své vítěze. Ceny brali Aiko i Rock for People a Pop Messe, počinem roku jsou koncerty Eda Sheerana - Konference a veletrh Prague Music Week na Výstavišti Praha začal ve čtvrtek večer vy... - IREPORT |
Ed Sheeran: Ed Sheeran ohlásil živé album - Poté, co byl britský písničkář Ed Sheeren, který letos v létě koncertoval v Hr... - rockandpop.cz |
Niall Horan: Hudba, která obměkčila i dublinské hospody: Gavin James přiveze do Prahy své čtvrté album - Za sebou má multiplatinové desky i společná turné se jmény jako Ed Sheeran, Niall H... - musicserver.cz |
Ed Sheeran: Krásne gesto Eda Sheerana: Zahral na želanie náhodnej bežkyni, ktorá ho zastihla pri natáčaní klipu v loďke - Spevákovi sa napokon vďaka Instagramu podarilo bežkyňu nájsť.... - Refresher.sk |
MIRAI: Mirai a Sebastian v Clashi? Šance tam je, přiznal Le Sy a vysmál se napadenému zpěvákovi. Pak bral zpátečku - Spor dvou zpěváků se stejným příjmením Navrátil – Miraie a Sebastiana – nabí... - extra.cz |
Ed Sheeran: Taylor Swift dal mlčí ohledně zrušených koncertů ve Vídni. V Londýně vzala na pódium Eda Sheerana - Na stadionu Wembley na severozápadě Londýn vystoupila americká zpěvačka Taylor Swif... - evropa2.cz |
MIRAI: Zbitý Mirai poprvé promluvil o tom, co se stalo. Čekal na taxík, pak přišla rána - Zpěvák Mirai Navrátil (31) je nyní v nemocnici, kde se zotavuje po operaci čelisti, ... - extra.cz |
MIRAI: Do případu napadení Miraie Navrátila se vložila policie. Útočníkovi hrozí vysoký trest a dlouhé roky ve vězení - Mirai Navrátil nadále zůstává hospitalizován v nemocnici. Oblíbený zpěvák je po... - extra.cz |
MIRAI: Zpěvák Mirai přišel ke zlomené čelisti ve rvačce po koncertu Sheerana, tvrdí svědek - Mirai Navrátil, frontman kapely Mirai, který je momentálně v nemocnici po operaci zl... - novinky.cz |
Ed Sheeran - American Town Ed Sheeran - American Town |
| We're a long way from home
Haven't seen you in so long
But it all came back in one moment
And the year started cold
But I didn't notice at all
And when we found there's a room we're both in
We get Chinese food in small white boxes
Live the life we saw in Friends
Your room, it barely fits the mattress
Wake up, leave for work again
The wind, it seems to blow right through us
Down jackets are the trend
The rush, we're rushing deep into love
English girl in an American town
No elevator to the fifth floor, I'll
Ring on the buzzer then you'll be right down
I wish time would freeze
Dungarees over the hoodie, we're out
Feet are three feet off the ground
Lost in love and we don't wanna be found
It's just you and me
My English girl in an American town
In an American town
Days come and go
But it ends, windows closed
And the scent of your perfume's on me
You're useless with your phone
Electric when one-on-one
I thought I would be more nervous, darlin'
We watch comedies and miss the endings
Conversations till the dawn
And your changin' tide, we push against it
Challenge meanings in the songs
And head out without a reservation
Drinkin' out of paper bags
And wasting time is time not wasted
With my English girl in an American town
No elevator to the fifth floor, I'll
Ring on the buzzer then you'll be right down
I wish time would freeze
Dungarees over the hoodie, we're out
Feet are three feet off the ground
Lost in love and we don't wanna be found
It's just you and me
My English girl in an American town
And when our eyes are closed together, I can't explain
How the scent of your perfume takes me to a higher place
We can watch it unfold or we can change how it takes
And we build when it breaks down
We drink Moscow Mules and steal the cups
From, mostly, the Bowery Bar
What a perfect day to fall in love on
What a way to make a start
It appears when you think all is lost, then
You don't remember when it started, never have to pretend
With my English girl in an American town
No elevator to the fifth floor, I'll
Ring on the buzzer then you'll be right down
I wish time would freeze
Dungarees over the hoodie, we're out
Feet are three feet off the ground
Lost in love and we don't wanna be found
It's just you and me
English girl in an American town
No elevator to the fifth floor, I'll
Ring on the buzzer then you'll be right down
I wish time would freeze
Dungarees over the hoodie, we're out
Feet are three feet off the ground
Lost in love and we don't wanna be found
It's just you and me
My English girl in an American town |
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