FPeople get Dmready, there's a Bbtrain Ca- Fcomin'
You Fdon't need no Dmbaggage, you just Bbget Fon Cboard
All you Fneed is Dmfaith to hear the BbdieCsels Fhummin'
AmDon't need no Gmticket, you just Bbthank the FLord
FPeople get Dmready for the Bbtrain Cto FJordan
It's Fpicking up Dmpassengers from Bbcoast Fto Ccoast
FFaith is the Dmkey, open the Bbdoors Cand Fboard 'em
There's Amhope for Gmall among Bbthose loved the Fmost.
GThere ain't no Emroom for the ChopeDless Gsinner
Who would Ghurt all manEmkind just to Csave Ghis Down
Have Gpity on Emthose whose Cchances Dgrow Gthinner
For there's Bmno hiding Amplace against the CKingdom's Gthrone
So Gpeople get Emready, there's a Ctrain Da- Gcomin'
You Gdon't need no Embaggage, you just Cget Gon Dboard
All you Gneed is Emfaith to hear the CdieDsels Ghummin'
BmDon't need no Amticket, you just Cthank the GLord