John Scatman - Everybody Jam! John Scatman - Everybody Jam! | | Hey Louis
Is that you?
Yes, yes
Oh, I'm Scatman John
Would you like to sing a song man?
Well, sure could look out...
Everybody party down to Louisiana
Everybody jam yeh
everybody come and take a ride with me
follow me everybody
let's head down south to the land
with the man with the message
his name was Satch
and he played on the match
everytime he played the horn
another blues was born
everybody's saying
that the way he was playing
had the whole world praying
that he never gonna stop
he talks to Scatman all about scat
he's the father of it all
as a matter of fact.
Louis was a legend in New Orleans
and the Louisiana Dixieland scene
he made a decision that the old time religion
to be played out the horn
and the Satchmo's breathing deep
in my soul, let me sing it to you
hallelujah hey hey whaddya say?
Everybody party down to Louisiana
everybody jam
everybody come an take a ride with me
hey hey whaddya say
get out the way
let Louis play
take a lessons that I learnt
from Louis, he only give it to us
'cause he knew it would renew us.
Love is the answer
Scat's where it's at Louis said
even you could teach a cat scat
shouldn't be talking about it
talking to you
Louis was one swinging happy guru
If you wanna hear the greatest trumpet
in the world well sing along with me
sing along
now join me in the opening
and join me in the bow
singing in the sunset
singing at the dawn
you've gotta get it up
if you want to get it on
Scatmo's breathing deep in my soul
Let me sing it to you
hallelujah hey hey whaddya say
get out the way
let Louis play!
Everybody party down to Louisiana
everybody jam
everybody yeah
everybody come and take a ride withe me
yeah c'mon!
Everybody! Wotcher think of that scat, Satch?
As we scats say it,
gassed man, how about a little solo Louis?
Now blow your horn, Louis!
Everybody party down to Louisiana
everybody jam
hey hey whaddya say?
Everybody come and take a ride with me
everybody party down to Louisiana
everybody jam
hey hey whaddya say
everybody come and take a ride with me
hey hey whaddya say
get out of the way!
Let Louis play! Yah! |
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