Ella Fitzgerald - Manhattan Ella Fitzgerald - Manhattan | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Intro Verse:)
DSummer F#mi7journeysBmi7 to NiA7ag'ra aDnd to A7other pG/Blaces A7aggraF#mi7vate all our Bm7/5-cares;
We'll sEmi7ave our faA7/9-res.
DI've a F#mi7cozy lBmi7ittle flA7at in wDhat is kA7nown as G/Bold ManhA7attan;
C9We'll settle dB9own B9right hEmi7ere in A7/9-town.
DWe'll have MaFdiminhattan,Emi7 the Bronx and A7/6Staten ID9sland, too;
It's lFdimiovely Emi7going tA7hrough A7/5+the zooD. Fdimi, Emi7, A7
DIt's very FdimifancyEmi7 on old DeA7/6lancy StBmi7reet, you know;
G7The F#7subwF7ay chE7arms us F7so E7 when balmy bA7reezes blow G/Bto and A7fro.
DAndAmi7 tell me B7what streetEmi7 compares with A7/6Mott SreetDmaj7 in July?
F#mi7Sweet pFdimiushcarts Emi7gently G/Bgli - A7/5+ding bF#mi7y.
B7The Fdimigreat B7big Emi7city's a G/Bwond'rousGdimi toy Edimi just F#mimade for a Bmi7girl and E9boy.
DWe'll turn MaFdiminhattan Emi7into an A7/6isle A7/9- of joD6, Fdimi, Emi7, A7y.
We'll go to Yonkers, where true love conquers in the wilds,
And starve together, Dear, in Childs'.
We'll go to Coney and eat baloney on a roll;
In Central Park we'll stroll
Where our first kiss we stole, soul to soul.
And "My Fair Lady" is a terrific show, they say;
We both may see it close someday.
The city's clamour can never spoil the dreams of a boy and goil;
DWe'll turn MaFdiminhattan Emi7into an A7/6isle A7/9- of joD6y. Fdimi, Emi7, A7/9-, D6
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