Take these chDains from my heart and set me frAee
You've grown cAold and no longer care for Dme
All my faDith in you is gone but tGhe heartaches linger Emon
Take these chAains from my heart and set me fDree
Take these teDars from my eyes and let me sAee
Just a spAark of the love that use to Dbe
If you lDove somebody new let me me fiGnd a new love tEmoo
Take these chAains from my heart and set me frDee
Give my heDart just a word of syAmpathy
Be as fAair to my heart as you can bDe
Then if yDou no longer care for the lGove being tEmhere
Take these chAains from my heart and set me fDree
Take these chDains from my heart and set me fAree
You've grown cAold and no longer care for Dme
All my faDith in you is gone but the hearGtaches linger Emon
Take these chAains from my heart and set me frDAee