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Firewind: Live SONATA ARCTICA, FIREWIND, SERIOUS BLACK: Arktické nadšení - Power- (a speed-) metalový bonbónek jsme dostali k rozbalení právě v čase, kdy z hl... - spark | 

Firewind: FOTOGALERIE: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black přivezli do Zlína melodickou metalovou nálož - Čtvrteční večer patřil ve Zlíně energické show, o kterou se postarala Sonata Arct... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: NAžIVO: Sonata Arctica, Firewind a Serious Black do Zlína dovezli podmanivou metalovou energii - Sonata Arctica, finská legenda melodického metalu, do Zlína přivezla energickou a hud... - musicserver.cz | 

Firewind: Sonata Arctica už ve čtvrtek zahraje ve Zlíně. Sestavu doplní Firewind a Serious Black - Finští melodicmetaloví mistři Sonata Arctica s potěšením oznamují také českou ... - musicserver.cz | 

Cold: Dubnový Spark uvádí: Tony Kakko (SONATA ARCTICA) – „Umělá inteligence mě děsí.“ - Pro dubnový Spark si o novém albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ s redaktorkou Sabinou Jesenov... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA zve na výlet do Kalifornie - SONATA ARCTICA se na svém aktuálním albu „Clear Cold Beyond“ vrátila do časů po... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA se v novém singlu „Dark Empath“ vrací ke známému motivu - Finští powermetalisté již 8. března vydají své nové studiové album „Clear Cold... - spark | 

Cold: SONATA ARCTICA ohlašuje albem „Clear Cold Beyond“ návrat k rychlému power metalu - Finská SONATA ARCTICA vydá nové studiové album s názvem „Clear Cold Beyond“ 8. b... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: STRATOVARIUS, SONATA ARCTICA - 9. 11. 2023, Brno, SONO Centrum - Brněnský večer finských metalových melodií fotil Radek Šich.
... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica: SONATA ARCTICA se s novým singlem vrací k powermetalovým kořenům - Po vydání dvou akustických alb pracovali finští power metalisté SONATA ARCTICA tajn... - spark | 

Sonata Arctica - Full Moon Sonata Arctica - Full Moon | | Sitting in a corner all alone,
staring from the bottom of his soul,
watching the night come in from the window
It'll all collapse tonight, the fullmoon is here again
In sickness and in health, understanding so demanding
It has no name, there's one for every season
Makes him insane to know
Running away from it all
"I'll be safe in the cornfields", he thinks Hunted by his own,
again he feels the moon rising on the sky
Find a barn which to sleep in, but can he hide anymore
Someones at the door, understanding too demanding
Can this be wrong, it's love that is not ending
Makes him insane to know
She should not lock the open door
(run away, run away, run way)
Fullmoon is on the sky and He's not a man anymore
See the change in Him but can't
(run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her man... Fullmoon
Swimming across the bay,
the nite is gray, so calm today
She doesn't wanna wait.
"We've gotta make the love complete tonight..."
In the mist of the morning he cannot fight anymore
A hundred moons or more, he's been howling
Knock on the door, and scream that is soon ending
Mess on the floor again...
She should not lock the open door
(run away run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
Sees the change in him but can't
(run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her man
She should not lock the open door
(run away run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
Sees the change in him but can't
(run away, run away, run away)
See what became out of her darling man
She should not lock the open door
(run away run away, run away)
Fullmoon is on the sky and he's not a man anymore
See what became out of her man
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