Porcupine Tree - Fadeaway Porcupine Tree - Fadeaway | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
GI sat in the room with a view, Dmithe girl in the photograph knew
Can't youC see? BWhy is sheDmilaughing at me?
GI stumbled through the dark unaware, Dmithe face in the hall isn't there
CTomorrow has gone, Bwhere do theDmivoices come from?
Watching the leaves as they blew, lost in the room with a view
Climb the walls, you did not know me at all
I fell through a hole in the floor, the audience cried out for more
Fadeaway, It's just another day.
C(3rd fret)
Hit Gheaven Bfar too highF
Guitar solo on second chorus:
E |---8--7--8--7--8--7--3-3----5--6-----5---1-1------------------|
B |--------------------------------------------------------------|
G |--------------------------------------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------------------------------------|
A |--------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------------------------------------|
Hit heaven far too high
And the last one:
E |---8--7--8--7--8--7--3-3--------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------------3-3--1-1-----1--tremolo to 0--|
G |--------------------------------------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------------------------------------|
A |--------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------------------------------------|
| |