BbCome, let me Fplay with you, Cblack satin GdanFcerG.
BbIn all your Fgiving, Cgiven is the GansFwerG.
BbTearing Flife from limb Cand looking sweGetFer G Bbthan the Fbrightest flCower in my GgarFden.G BbBegging your paFrdon - sheddCing right unGreasonF.G BbOver senFsation fly tChe fleeting seasonGs.FG AmThin wind whGispering on bAmroken mBbandoEblin.
BbBending the Fminutes - the hoCurs ever turnGingF on that Dmold Cgold story of merFcy.
CDesperate bFreathing. TBbongue nEbipple-teaCsing.
Your Gmfast river flowDming - your norBbthern Ffire Cfed.
Come, Dmblack satin Gmdancer, come Csoftly to beAmd.Am/GAm/F#F