EDon´t Fmilet your Dhead Arule your heEart
don´t Fmilet your Dworld be Atorn apartE don´t Fmikeep it Dall to Ayourself just Elet
all your Fmiemotions run DfreeA with Esomeone like Fmime
Dthat´s the way it should Abe
Esomeone like FmimeD, A, E, D
I know it´s hard
when your feelin´ down
to lift your feet up off the ground
we make mistakes
but does'em everybody
you don´t always have to agree
with someone like me
thats the way it should be
someone like me
FmiWe know the Astory so Dfar
(What you want and who you are)
Fmiwhat you want and Awho you are(free)
Fmilet all your Demotions run free
you don´t always have to agree
with someone like AmeE Fmithat´s the Dway it should AbeE Fmisomeone Dlike AmeE Fmisomeone like Ame